Saturday, January 9, 2010

A new Game!

Now I know what your thinking
another sploder game
Well yes

But also it's snowing
so we have be having snow ball fights and made snowmen
seya vewers

Saturday, December 12, 2009


I'm not only a Jedi I'm a Games designer too
(by the way starwars lovers I've brought ventress back onto the light side of the force)

Anyway, I bet you can't beat me at this ultra hard game that I made.

See you can't beat me can you.




( if you need to send me an E-mail please replyto

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Told you so

Look at this video

I am a jedi fighting sith.

I am one with the force

I was taught by yoda (ghost) obi wan (ghost) anakin (ghost)
And Luke skywalker and then I taught sachin kiro, princess leia,cofo toc,darth scapular (who turned to the dark side with my other padawan ventresss),cosho zulabar and master plokoon junior.

Yes it's a long list for a nine year old

I am a proud member of the new jedi council and work with luke skywalker who helped to teach me the way of the force and how to not be transfixed by the dark side of the force.
I do have love but, I now how to keep control of it by luke's great teachings.
I can use force lightning but only in self defence.

My lightsaber skills are are very defencive but in great battles against sith lords I would use 65% attacking and 35% defence.

My Rank in the new repblic is wise master with 10/10 battling skills 100% jedi power
and 1 in 100 chance of going to the dark side.

I can sence 5 years into the future to tell me what to do. My favorite star wars films are return of the jedi and revenge of the sith.
I am as wise as master yoda and as good at fighting as anakin and luke joinded togrther.My favorite chaacter is obi wan episode 3 and luke episode 6.
At the moment I am trying to get ventresss back on the light side of the force.

I hope you can become a jedi too. Just don't become a sith.

I shal tell you more about the jedi world in another post.

see ya...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Star wars: Me, a Jedi?

Look at my Jedi Score

I am a Shadow Jedi leaning light
"Just push yourself a bit more and you can make it to be a light Jedi my friend! Remember to always keep your cool, and try to help others in need. By the looks of it you always wish to help people but would want to be left alone when you're down in the dumps and wouldn't want to be bothered."

True Jedi Test By Ocean-Saurian and PrincessLeia2

I'm a tru jedi

See ya Followers

Friday, August 7, 2009

A new crecket star has been born

New cricket gear, originally uploaded by electrolyte2006.

Sorry I've been of for a while but whilst I've been gone I have got really great at cricket a t the young age of 8!!!
Today I'm even playing in a tournament. England vs Australia!!!
Anyway, Im going to Cornwall again but tomorrow im going to anglsey in Wales!!!
Se you later followers.
Just tweeting!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Paris - JCB (4 of 6)

Paris - JCB (4 of 6), originally uploaded by jonny170900.

Hey,Hey,Hey.Sorry I haven't been blogging for a while. But if you have kids that want to read please tell them to look away now unless they are a member of a band or like swearing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's a shot from Paris.I'm shore you can guess what this photograph is of.Look at the end of this post to fin the answer .There will be more photos as you see my journey around Paris!!! Paris - JCB (3 of 6)
Some "BLOODY" French people at the Eiffel Tower were on STRIKE.They are total idiots!But apart from that it was a good trip.
Paris - JCB (5 of 6)

Hidden answers.
Picture 1.Eiffel Tower

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Man and bird

Man and bird, originally uploaded by jonny170900.

hello ...

and I,ve woken up to a peaceful day today.

Yesterday I went to Paradise Park and had lots of fun!!!

We saw penguins an paraquites ,
And saw treisweeper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And a cockatoo took my coin!

thanks for listening